I mean not even a year later from his release as an example he received an hell of a buff trought the gt hybrids of GW 2021, 2 crazy partners for teq ulthan, with one having cold judgement saiyan lineage and all in the family while the other losing all in the family but providing 40% support to compensate. His damage is too low for crits to have a significant impact, a 15% chance to get an additional SA for a unit that has no relevant Ki links in the first place is kind of meh and 20 dodge add like less than a 5% additional dodge chance to him. Reply. Also, the Dokkan Fest-exclusive TEQ Ultimate Gohan doesn't have Saiyan Lineage either, neither does the ToP Ultimate Gohan. 1. 3. Reply . EZA Cooler/STR Cooler rotation is so overpowered in terms of damage output you can safely bring units like INT Towa to the most difficult Red Zones with no fear of dying because the boss will get 1 turned. Those screenshots of Gohan taking damage keep me awake at night. STR Hit and Godku. CryptoI know, funny joke and all, but Piccolo's links in this game have a lot of variance surprisingly enough. Views. You have teq eza god goku, use him in the stage with movie boss and pure saiyan, if you have to replace someone it probably has to be yamcha. r/DBZDokkanBattle • Damn. Honestly yea, like watching it every so often is fun but when you're planning to transform a second. Cell hits close to as hard, has double Goku's defense and chance to dodge built in and a better leader skill yep totally not close at all. A1Horizon. Teq Gohan Teams. CryptoGohan = Great DEF/Average ATK Goku = Great ATK/Average DEF. Gohan should have: legendry power, cold judgment, power bestowed by god, fierce battle, brainiacs, all in the family, saiyen lineage. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. r/DBZDokkanBattle. This is not to say that it isn't a common link, but it's not 100% universal for the character either, like Super Saiyan for a Super Saiyan. EZA. Now add str ulthan eza, wich wil probsbly give like 200% def to all the team. Reply . Log In Sign Up. It looks like they stopped making new WT reward units and instead give us two copies of old reward units that are getting ezas with 20 consecutive wins. Took Normals for 2 digits and SA from STR Cell Max for 60K fully built without items. Future Beast => PHY Gohan. Teq Ulthan works surpisingly well in 23rd WT Goku's team. INT Namek Goku. The thought that someday, Dokkan may release an event. . EDIT: The appearance 1 DEF should be the same as appearance 2-3. Rotations: LR Buutenks + TEQ Buff Buu, LR Buutenks + Exchange Buu. Friend: teq ulthan, the damage is not that high, so they can stack to a high degree before the final fight. LR INT BoG Goku. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsUlthan Solos Additional comment actions Considering like half of the best/meta units in the game have guard now, a boss that hits a bit weaker than red zone broly but disables. Never thought id hear the day where the words "Piccolo has a better team" would be said unironically. r. Leader is EZA'd, friend lead is not. And to make it worse, unlike teq ulthan (common teq ulthan W), str kid buu needs his links and activating only 2 or 3 won't make him look nowhere as good as his "what if kid buu had a 200%" showcases. “@59Emma1 Comes down to preference, that's why I leave alt options on all of these but I do enjoy the support. Took me a while to figure out too. r/DBZDokkanBattle. If you eza teq ulthan, his def at rainbow is 13,010 On dual 200% lead he's at 13,0105=65,050 (I assumed if he ezas they give a 20% stat boots so 160% instead of 140% for fun, and hes linked with best bud str ulthan) That's 65,050. Trash Unit. . TEQ Hit The King HimselfSworn Enemies LGTE Completed. Like legit stfu, we get it, he can take hits. The first DB era EZA card. 1st Cooler Movie Piccolo shares 4, LR Goku & Piccolo/Piccolo shares 3 even post. Compare that to my one dupe teq ulthan who hit a 2. The Str Cooler vs Teq Ultimate Gohan debate 2023 edition. Ssj3 vegeta, agl/teq golden frieza, teq caulifla and teq ultimate gohan are units that I think dokkan regrets making, as evident by the restrictions and issues units have now to get even half as powerful as them. CryptoNo, you’re not dreaming. Go with Goku exchange gohan has lead, but if you have he at 55% you could rethink it. 150. • 2 yr. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. Search within r/DBZDokkanBattle. Search within r/DBZDokkanBattle. CryptoBusiness, Economics, and Finance. Though I seriously need the PHY transforming Frieza and the TEQ Janemba since I still havent done the LGE GT CBM and the LVE OW missions. Got Lucky and pulled this guy! My only problem is I’m having trouble finding a good team for him and good linking partners. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsWell, lets say you ran a double Birdku lead. 9 million with 140k def guard. Provide qualified training, service and support. teq Ulthan eza will break the sub. 5. For example, the lv 1 R card increases to lv 21. Tenacious Warrior. Business, Economics, and Finance. more replies. If teq ulthan returns in the banner i'll feel like an idiot cause i thought he wouldn't return since he was featured already on gammas banner and decided to summon to get him. Fateblast -1 points 0 points 1 point 5 months ago You didn't understand why Cooler, a unit that hit harder, had a better linkset, and supported its team in a meta where defense. Reply . Lots of hard hitters and amazing tanks. Join. Any TEQ Janemba friends? r/ezrealmains • ezreal buil. It's a hard life being a TEQ Gohan stan. I will never forgive you! 170% and he still CAN compete with the best of the best among DFE TURs (ezas excluded) if he just get's to activate those links. increased to 135. This isn’t. You're lying, DT. O Attacks should’ve been that if a unit survived a K. If you don't have the AGL Gohan, use the F2P TEQ Exchange Goku/Gohan instead. He becomes a good deal stronger offensively, while still retaining solid defensive capabilities. CryptoIt seems like a war has broken out in this subreddit and everytime a post has been made about this topic, everyone disregards the other side…I fucking pray for future gohan to be good ffs, especially base since he shares some spicy links with teq ulthan (i am in shambles for Truth's betrail of teq ulthan club) Reply. Talarin20 . Reply . Teq Ulthan doesn't even close to this damage as some people were saying in multiple threads, I admit that his def is better. Business, Economics, and Finance. It would also be cannon, imagine stacking up through the first couple of phases of cell max and then you get to the last phase and Gohan says "It's beasting time" and beasts all over cell max. comment sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment More posts you may like. Log in4 votes and 4 comments so far on RedditTo me he seems better than TEQ Ulthan, but not better than Frieza or Gogeta Reply. Credit to @RevivalOfPotara and @Rhoady2000 on Twitter. 18. If you look at all the Piccolo releases we've gotten, only the WWC Piccolo and 2nd Cooler Movie Piccolo share a significant amount of links with the Dokkan Fest-exclusive one. You're lying, blud. 3x1. and their teams didn't overlap at all. Lil-Trup • 2 yr. - Max Super Attack Lv. @the_bomber100. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. ago I think the case could be made for Teq Gohan being at least #10. Reply. bakumon1245. Gohan is a million times more better at 55% than Goku is. Teq janemba needing ki . Condiriomal as in "meed something to do to have guard, other than teq ulthan, ga vegeta and the 2 janembas we have . rotations are god goku + ulthan and carnival goku + str goku/gohan. 17. 3 STR Super Buus, LR Buuhan, AGL Buuccolo, TEQ Transforming Buu. Information…Posted in the DBZDokkanBattle community. exactly, teq Ulthan needs an eza BADLY, especially with Ultimate Super Battle Road and the Shining Red zone releasing in a matter of weeks /s Reply shadowblade159 EZA is the best thing ever • Additional comment actions. Reply . Celtic1990. Great chance is 70%, high chance is 50%. • 15 days ago. For me it would be SSJ4 Gogeta if I don't pull him, I'd get him when he returns, but out of the TURs returning soon, the only one I would buy would. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. r/DBZDokkanBattle. Reply Accomplished-Bear988 Kale and Caulifla are best girls •. EX Skill Orbs being implemented in JP Dokkan finally along with LR Kid Goku and Bulma's EZA for the new ESBR stage reward. Teq ulthan was a mistake and they will never make a unit like him. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsI really dislike threads like this. Phy janemba in slot 1 or 2 . Join. Etc . CryptoPress J to jump to the feed. Maybe Teq Ulthan or Phy Piccolo though. What do you think? Saviors. Eza Teq DBS Ssj Trunks, the one from the Black saga who has the Masenko as a Super Attack (is in base as a SSR). Other units you can use. r. TEQ Broly: this guy is a problem, the team have 2 AGL units that can get caught, but it's doable, try to have STR Goku/Gohan exchange on this phase if possible . GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. User account menu. Teq ulthan jumpscare cause the idea of him ezaing is that scaryI believe that ssbkk is better than teq ulthan in general because of his stupid damage and spirit bomb mostly. 11:00 PM · Jun 23, 2023. Press J to jump to the feed. 4. He shines in the Android IDBH stage since he gets an additional super after he transforms and raises attack infinitely. Slamming my face into a brick wall now, cheers Truth 👍”I think TEQ Ultimate Gohan has a real chance, they EZA'd STR Cooler after all. Further Awakening. Teq ulthan still got the defense . Teq gohan has never ceased to amaze me , with his versatility and utility, like idk why ppl use links as an argument at all, gohan transcends links. Press J to jump to the feed. - Leader Skill upgraded. (Teq Ulthan released months before lmao) and bad restriction on his passive. Business, Economics, and Finance. TUR TEQ Golden Frieza. is at least 14) Step 7: - Max Lv. 279. 2. Found the internet! 0. 18. Everything Dokkan Battle! This subreddit is for both the Japanese and Global version. Lets be honest $7 for Teq Ultimate Gohan is a steal, not to mention other good units like Videl, AGL Kid Gohan, AGL Pikkon, and the 2021 GW units if you have him rainbowed. Metal cooler agl is another objectively wrong, same for fpssj4 . Press J to jump to the feed. I can't really say for sure, because I got lucky and pulled two copies on the lr cooler banner, rainbowing him before eza. Mans has escaped me for too long and Everytime he come to coin shop I’m out or saving Reply. Gamma 2 (Worthy Rivals): Return To Monke! They have good cards under their LS, but they have so little synergy. Devilman Strategy. Sub: STR LR gogeta. Kinda confusing. ATK & DEF +50%; plus an additional ATK +59% when there is an ally whose name includes "Goku" (Youth, Captain Ginyu, Jr. Teq Janemba in slot 1 is a very different animal from Teq Janemba in slot 3 Due to orb managing and his age, he’s best as a floater now, but he’ll still fit that role nicely. 14. TEQ Janemba is easily the one I underestimated the most here. . ago. (edited by Brazilianboi) 2. ATK & DEF +100%; reduces damage received by 58% when HP is 58% or less; "Bond of Master and Disciple" Category allies' Ki +1 and ATK & DEF +30%; Transforms when conditions are met. oh its you idiot. I double whis’d on the str phase and it took like 25 turns . I will never forgive you! 170% and he still CAN compete with the best of the best among DFE TURs (ezas excluded) if he just get's to activate those links. So what is the best first route to choose for Super Vegito? If at or really close to 10 SA bottom right if not top left. On 200%, Goku is at ~33 million APT. . , means it’s connected to the prior info/activation requirement. But they've just got it all. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. lr babidi eza. • 1 yr. Consists of characters who saved the day in a crucial moment. Assist in optimization of quality assurance and escape rate. comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment Kifameah Yoshaaa • Additional comment actions. Its missing the greatest of them all Teq Chadhan who needs like 12 turns to reach the same defensive levels. Yeah, they’re talking about Int Goku and Teq Vegeta. They want you to buy stones to get the new powerful characters. Saiyan Warrior Race - The Saiyan Lineage - Infighter - Shocking Speed - Power Bestowed by God - Kamehameha. O Attack with the ability, they live on 1 HP and that unit only doesn’t take any more damage for that turn (any damage received past the K. r/DBZDokkanBattle • Rate A Unit Day 41- TEQ 23 WT GOKU. INT broly, TEQ ultimate gohan, LR AGL gohan. AGL LR Gohan.